Using GALILEOS & CEREC in Santa Barbara, CA
GALILEOS ComfortPLUS. The 3D unit recommended by dentists. For the highest demands.

What is it that defines a great 3D imaging unit? Safe results with absolute flexibility, intuitive ease of use and high resolution images.
All that is offered by the GALILEOS ComfortPLUS, but it doesn't stop there. It combines this package for the highest demands with the lowest possible dose and unparalleled reliability. This is what makes the GALILEOS the unit recommended by dentists.
X-ray image and surface visualization in one scan
With the FaceScanner integrated in GALILEOS x-ray units, the vision of the virtual patient is coming closer: While taking the x-ray, this scanner plots a virtual "mirror image" of the patient. The x-ray scan and 3D face scan are superimposed fully automatically and accurately.

The four-step program now gives you the opportunity to get started with implantology and achieve a perfect result – safely and efficiently – in just three sessions.
The clear procedure is intuitive and logically supported:

You must be able to view the situation from all perspectives to make an absolutely reliable diagnosis. To enable you to do this, integrated implantology combines the planning of the prosthesis with information on soft tissue and bone structure.
Everything you need at a glance.
With a CEREC imaging unit (Bluecam or Omnicam), the gap situation (including antagonists) can be registered within two minutes.
The 3D X-ray data are recorded using GALILEOS ComfortPLUS, ORTHOPHOS SL 3D, or ORTHOPHOS XG 3D digital volume tomography. The data are visualized with the new, intuitive SIDEXIS 4 – the software for maximum x-ray efficiency.

Better overview in the planning phase: CEREC and X-ray data are combined in the GALILEOS Implant software. Advance prosthodontic planning, soft tissue and surgically relevant details such as nerves, root canals and the available bone structure are visible on-screen. This enables the precise positioning and alignment of the implant for the later minimally invasive procedure.
The quality of the planning implementation is also ensured. A surgical guide with a depth stop is coordinated with the selected implant and position for a precise fit. You alone decide whether to mill it in-house cost-effectively and within 1 hour using your CEREC MC X or CEREC MC XL Premium Package milling unit (CEREC Guide 2) or have it produced at a SICAT lab (SICAT OPTIGUIDE or DIGITALGUIDE).
The result is the same: The implant can be placed without stress – exactly at the right position, perfectly aligned, and precisely at the right height.
Whether you use the CEREC Guide 2, SICAT OPTIGUIDE or SICAT DIGITALGUIDE – you can be sure that the implant will be at the right position, perfectly aligned, and exactly at the planned level. Minimally invasive and with no unnecessary stress – for you or your patient.
For TENEO users, the integrated implantology function is an additional complement to the workflow – it has individual setting options for speed, torque, and quantity of saline solution. A wellplanned concept from start to end.
Every step of implanting is safe.

Thanks to CEREC, the final restoration is also completely in your hands. You can produce a custom abutment with the appropriate crown or a screw-retained crown in just one design step. You can choose freely from among various innovative materials for the temporary or final restoration. The result is always an optimal esthetic design coordinated to the individual patient.
This is integrated implantology in the practice – 100 % made by you!
The newest CEREC 3 by Sirona Dental Systems is the world's fastest and most precise system for the fabrication of all ceramic dental restorations in one office visit. With CEREC at your dentist's side, you can be in and out in a single visit with a permanent, all ceramic crown, onlay or veneer! For you, the patient, this means fewer injections, less drilling and less time out of your hectic schedule for dental care. So, why are thousands of people world wide choosing the CEREC restorative technique for their dental needs? Click here to learn more about CERAC 3
Single Appointment
Dental Care.
Most dental restorative methods require more than one visit to the dentist. This means that on the first visit, you get an injection of anesthesia, your tooth prepared, an impression taken, and a temporary restoration put on your tooth. You make a second appointment for a couple of weeks later, and get an injection, have the temporary pried off (if it hasn't fallen off already, and have a permanent restoration put on. Why go to the dentist a second time when you don't have to? With CEREC, the procedure is often done in a single appointment, start to finish.
Finest Dental Materials
A CEREC tooth restoration isn't just convenient, it is also healthy. Many years ago, dentists had few options to repair decayed and damaged teeth other than amalgam, gold, and other metals. With CEREC, your dentist can use strong, tooth colored ceramic materials to restore your teeth to their natural strength, beauty, and function. These materials closely match the composition of natural tooth structure. This means when you eat hot food and then drink something cold, the restoration and tooth expand and contract at almost equal rates. So, your tooth does not crack, and you can go on enjoying your evening. Also, the materials are chemically bonded to your tooth, so your dentist can save as much healthy tooth tissue as possible while providing you with a dental restoration that strengthens your tooth.
Smile Enhancement
Your dentist can use CEREC for more than just crowns and fillings. CEREC is capable of producing any single tooth restoration. Chipped or discolored front teeth can be repaired with beautiful CEREC porcelain anterior crowns or veneers. Your smile makes a lasting first impression. Enhance it with CEREC.
Worldwide, a CEREC restoration is placed every 20 seconds. With a history of nearly 20 years, this equipment has helped dentists place over 6 million restorations. Using metal free materials that are the closest to your natural enamel, CEREC gives you the highest quality restorative care. Ask your dentist today about single visit CEREC restorative care!